-- card: 2518 from stack: in.'90AMUG News™ -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 3780 -- name: Pres -- part 3 (button) -- low flags: 00 -- high flags: 0000 -- rect: left=19 top=10 right=37 bottom=475 -- title width / last selected line: 0 -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0 -- text alignment: 1 -- font id: 0 -- text size: 12 -- style flags: 0 -- line height: 16 -- part name: ----- HyperTalk script ----- on mouseUp Play "Welcome to AMUG" If ColorOn() then dispPICT "Mike1" else dispPICT "Mike2" end mouseUp -- part contents for background part 2 ----- text ----- 2 -- part contents for background part 9 ----- text ----- The PRESIDENT'S Desk Users Group™. The month of December 1990 is upon us and we can all be grateful for a great year. During this month we have our annual Christmas party scheduled for December 20, 1990 with a fantastic give away and several vendors and members in attendance showing their Mac Creations! Here are the details: AMUG and Computers Plus give away a Macintosh Classic! On December 20, 1990 AMUG will host it's annual Christmas show with vendors and members showing us their latest and greatest. During this Christmas Party AMUG and Computers Plus of 2303 N. 44th Street #2, Phoenix, AZ 85008 will sponsor a joint Mac Classic give away. This exciting event will be a first in AMUG history and we invite you to join us. Tickets are available for $1.00 each at the -- part contents for background part 8 ----- text ----- ......................Michael S. Bean -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- Welcome to the Arizona Macintosh Users Group™. The month of December 1990 is upon us and we can all be grateful for a great year. This month we have our annual Christmas party with a fantastic give away and several vendors and members in attendance showing their Mac Creations! Here are the details: AMUG and Computers Plus give away a Macintosh Classic! On December 20, 1990 AMUG will host it's annual Christmas show with vendors and members showing us their latest and greatest. During this Christmas Party AMUG and Computers Plus of 2303 N. 44th Street #2, Phoenix, AZ 85008 will sponsor a joint Mac Classic give away. This exciting event will be a first in AMUG history and we invite you to join us. Tickets are available for $1.00 each at the -- part contents for background part 10 ----- text ----- meeting. Cookies and punch will be provided at this fun event as well. If you would like to display your latest Mac Goodies at this show call 892-5454 to schedule your booth today. This meeting will be at 7:00PM in Phoenix at the Howard Johnson Hotel, located at University and the Freeway. Vendors scheduled to be in attendance include Zedcor, Microsoft, Symmetry, Hard Drives International, MicroAge, NExt, Aldus, Kurta, AMUG "Best of", Newsletter stacks, MIDI and much more! The beginners meeting will start upstairs at 6:00PM. AMUG Auction Tremendous success... On October 27, 1990 AMUG held it's first annual AMUG Auction/Fund Raiser. This